Monday 21 January 2013

Rubbish Drivers - A Rant

I have an issue with bad drivers. I especially have a problem with bad drivers during adverse weather conditions.
Today, I had to drive south on M40. This is usually my favourite road. But not during the rush hour. It is a prime location for tail gaters. I had no idea that the arse of my car is that attractive...
Today, the British Isles are white with snow. The scenery is beautiful, but the roads are icey, slushy and dirty. And here in lies my issues...
People who drive white or silver cars when it snows or is foggy, and don't put on their headlights are just dumb. People who drive so close behind me that I can't see their lights or numberplate are also dumb. And people who drive over 80mph on icey roads are dumb too.
And people who pull in front of lorries and slam on their brakes. Dumb.
To the woman who pulled in front of me and braked suddenly,  when I was about 100 meters in front of a very big lorry that also slammed on his brakes when he realised what the stupid bitch had done, I say this... lorries do not have the same braking distance as cars in perfect driving conditions, let alone in wintery blizzards. In the split second it took me to realise that I was about to get squished, and noting that the next lane was busy with a speeding coach,  I had no alternative but to swerve on to the hard shoulder. Luckily for me, the lorry driver didn't have the same idea...
She not only did a bloody stupid thing, but she could have been responsible for me being squished and a jack knifed lorry.
Thank you to the lorry driver who joined me in a blare of horns. We frightened the shit out of her!
Deservedly so.

©2013 Kari Milburn

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