Monday 4 March 2013


I'd like to have small chat about perspective. My issue is that very few people these days seem to have any.
I want.
I need.
There is a massive difference to the above two sentences. MASSIVE.
I want... an iPad, an exercise bike, a smart TV, a new kettle, that gorgeous top, those stunning shoes...
I need... water, food in my belly, a roof over my head.
It's really not rocket science.

That child in the supermarket queue screaming at mum that he needs some sweets? He doesn't need them at all. He wants them, is all.

I get so tired of people who overreact and think it's the end of the world when the heel comes off their shoe, or they've run out of petrol, or they've burnt dinner, or have been dumped, or, heaven forbid, can't find something to wear in a wardrobe full of clothes!
So let me clarify... The end of the world will come in several million years when the sun bakes the earth to a dry crisp. Or sooner if a monster asteroid hurtles through space toward us and Bruce Willis isn't available to drill a hole in it.
In the meantime, man up. And shut up.

These are tough times. People all around us are losing their jobs. Then potentially their homes. Then potentially their life savings (not sure what they are...). It's not easy. But you know what, we'll survive. It's a primal human instinct. It's in our DNA. It's in our power.
We survived smallpox, the plague, polio. We survived 2 world wars and countless others. Hell, we have even survived evolution and natural selection. We're a hell of a lot tougher than we give ourselves credit for.
Today, I learnt that two people have been cured of HIV aids. They no longer have the disease. How amazing is this? WE DID THIS!

So the next time you overreact when you spill red wine on your favourite white blouse, do it away from me, please. Because you'll get no sympathy from me. There are far more desperate souls out there that require my love and my time than you.

My Dad died of cancer a few years ago. I remember asking him one day, when the pain was too much for him, if he wanted anything. "No." he said quietly, "I don't want anything. I'm ok." He obviously wasn't. So I asked again. Did he need anything? He replied, "Need? Yes. I need a cure for cancer."

That is perspective.


  1. Read this Kari and I needed a mo' to compose my feelings... It evoked anger, shame & guilt, but most poignant of all - sorrow, sorrow for your father, his pain and the loss and for you. Remember the well man and not the shadow xxx love to you xxx

  2. Thanks! Thinking of dad helps to ground me, you know?! Its a cliché, but we have our health, and thats more than many others have!


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