Sunday 28 February 2016

7souls Update

My labour of love has taken many years, but at 2:30 yesterday morning, I woke up with a clear view of where my last couple of chapters should go, and I've been writing solidly since! It's now finished, and I am excited about the result.

It'll be sent out to a few Beta readers now, who will give me their thoughts and ideas (or, ideally, say it's ready to go to print).

Now comes the fun part of designing the cover...
Here's one idea. Does this make you want to open it up?

I wrote the above in February of 2016. I's now almost February of 2017.
So what have I been doing?

Editing. Editing. And then, for something different, editing.

The problem with writing a manuscript doesn't end with the final full stop. In fact, when you get to that point, you're about a third of the way done.

I took a few months away from writing all together and indulged my passion for story telling by reading others work. I devoured all seven books of the Clifton Chronicles in three weeks (Jeffrey Archer is a master at character development, in my opinion!). I watched movies, read blogs and generally did my best to not think about my book, until I picked it up again at the start of this month.

And it reads well! It's a page turner. A quick read. Nothing too heavy to bog you down in the narrative.

I'm going to send it to a few well chosen Beta readers for their honest opinions, and work on that cover design, and will keep you posted for the release date.

Soon, though. It will be soon!

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